Thinking Outside the Box – When Less is More

Thinking Outside the Box – When Less is More

As a society, we have become so consumer driven that we have created an entire industry around helping us organize all of our crap. Now, I am not saying anything negative about the organization industry, I am actually a huge fan of it. I love organization! (it’s...
Self Care Done Right – Creating a Sacred Space

Self Care Done Right – Creating a Sacred Space

So, you know you need to create a sacred space in your home. And, even more importantly, you know that you deserve to have a space just for you to connect with and rejuvenate your spirit. You are worth it you know. And even if you don’t believe that, believe...
The First Step in Self Care is to Create a Sacred Space

The First Step in Self Care is to Create a Sacred Space

I am sure that you have heard the news…Self-care needs to be a priority. If you are anywhere online these days you will see and hear all sorts of reminders that you need to make self care a part of your daily routine. The thing is, all those reminders do nothing...
The Gift of Giving Freely – Obligation vs Generosity

The Gift of Giving Freely – Obligation vs Generosity

How much of your life do live out of obligation? …Half? …More? Now, how much of your life do you live from a place of generosity? I bet you live generously way, way less than you live out of obligation. I know because I lived there for most of my life....
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