Recently I saw a post from a woman asking for help making more money in her business.

She had around 450 people on her email list and was only seeing a return of about $15 a month from Adsense. And she wanted to know what to do to make more money.

I saw dozens of replies with advice on getting better results from Adsense. As well as other advice on layering similar streams of income from other companies, and which ones were best.

And I felt sad at how deeply the scarcity mentality runs in our society.


Because none of them were seeing the obvious right in front of their faces.
And I don’t tell you this to troll these people on the internet. 

It’s just a truth.

Our scarcity mentally is so deeply embedded within us that the longer I do this work, the more I see all the subtle layers of how and where it shows up for us.

We are all on this journey to success. And we’re all doing the work.

Personal growth and learning curves and all the time, money and energy invested into the future successful you.

And it doesn’t always have to look so “traditional”.

Because of our relationship to our homes and the spaces we inhabit, we can do some (ok, a lot) of our work from the outside in, by simply taking the time to declutter our space with intention.

When you are intentional, and you take the time to think about why you are keeping something.


Especially if it’s “just in case” anything.

That is straight up scarcity.

If you have any of those you don’t even have to dig for a deeper why of your scarcity.

There it is right there. Just get rid of it.

Throw it out and let’s Kondo this B, so you can start making more money in your business.

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