So, you know you need to create a sacred space in your home. And, even more importantly, you know that you deserve to have a space just for you to connect with and rejuvenate your spirit.

You are worth it you know. And even if you don’t believe that, believe that creating the space will be worth it. Simply by having the space you will begin to see that you are worth it and that you deserve to have it.

So how do you create a sacred space? You start by defining what is sacred (or spiritual) to you. There is no right or wrong here. By defining what is sacred to you, you will begin to get a sense of what and where you want for YOUR sacred space.

It will also help to decide what you want from your space or to set an intention for the space. What is it that you want to add to your life with this space? What will you do in your sacred space? How will you use it? Will you use it every day, or just for special occasions?

Now that you have an idea of what this space means to you, and what you want from your new sanctuary, you will want to decide where you want it to be and how big it will be. Do you have an entire room for your sacred space? Or will it be a smaller space within a larger room, and what room will that be? Is it a pillow on the floor, a shelf on the wall, or full altar dedicated to your personal diety or the seasons or none of the above? Maybe it is a tree, or a quiet rock next to the ocean. Whatever and wherever it is, get creative about it.

Make it personal. Make it private. You can have more than one. Maybe you want to have one in every room. However you decide you want to create your own sacred space is perfect. Use your intuition to determine what is best for you right now.

The same is true for how you choose to decorate your space. You can add mementos or talismans. Stones, plants, crystals. Candles or incense. Visual art. Sacred text or words of wisdom. Statuary. Use your intuition for what feels right and remember that you can always change it.

And it is good to change it. Let your space evolve over time. As you grow your needs change, your tastes change, everything changes so let your space grow with you.

Once you have finished creating your new sacred space, you can begin your journey with a ritual by having an inauguration ceremony and dedicate your space to the woman you are becoming. Honor the woman you are now. And as you grow and change, use this space to honor you each step of the way.

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