Your scarcity thinking is keeping you from the abundance you want. You have probably heard that before. Several times, I bet. But you just don’t know how to go about changing it.

You have tried affirmations, you have written yourself future checks for hundreds of thousands of dollars, you’ve tried the ‘fake it til you make it’ attitude, and any number of other ideas you have heard about the law of attraction to draw in more money.

The problem is, none of these things are the problem.

The problem is that you have a scarcity mindset and you are trying to fill it with abundance instead of getting rid of it first. You can’t have both scarcity and abundance together. You have to eliminate the scarcity first and then abundance will simply flow in and you won’t have to try so hard to force it.

Here are six things you can start doing to declutter your scarcity mindset.

1. Declutter your physical environment – Your home is a mirror to your subconscious thoughts and beliefs. Having to much clutter is a sign of a scarcity mindset and a belief that there is never enough or, often, that you are not enough. Anything that you are holding onto “just in case” you need it “someday” falls into the clutter category of scarcity mindset. Take some time and let go of everything that falls into this category.

**As you do this process, (and it is a process if you are doing it right) it helps to let go mentally as well, so you don’t end up creating an “I told you so” situation.

Let me explain. Frequently people get so excited to declutter scarcity that they get rid of everything they’ve been keeping ‘just in case’ and then within a few days to a week, suddenly the exact item they got rid of is now needed for something. And then, BAM, they justify keeping everything ‘just in case’ so it never happens again in the future. All the while, failing to realize it is their scarcity mindset at work trying to keep them safe. So, as you are decluttering your ‘stuff’ be sure to let it all go mentally as well as physically.

2. Stop speaking about how expensive everything is – Everything has a cost, but when we get caught up in the price of things, we get caught up in scarcity thinking. When we start to look at the value of things and start to appreciate what we CAN afford, we start to shift our mindset away from scarcity and into abundance.

You maybe can’t afford the top of the line right now, but you can give yourself the best that you can afford. By giving yourself the best you can afford, whether it is new towels or a new sofa, or even simply buying the brand of peanut butter you like instead of the one that is $.30 cheaper,  you send the vibration out to the Universe that “I am worth it” and you begin to vibrate at a higher frequency. This, in turn, begins to attract life at a higher frequency of abundance.

3. Be open to new opportunities – When you are open to the opportunities that surround you, you will attract even more opportunities to you. When you say, not just yes, but ‘hell yes!’ to the things that make your heart happy, then more and more of THOSE things will start coming to you.

And by also being open to trying NEW things, you will start to find more things that you can say ‘hell yes!’ to. This, in turn creates an upward of spiral of more opportunities to do the things that make your heart soar.

4. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses – More is not better. By overspending to buy things you can’t afford, you only end up stressing yourself out over money. Every time you see the item, or items, it increases your stress level and continually reinforces that scarcity mentality.

By living within your means, even if it starts with a period of frugal necessity, you will begin to feel more self confident and raise your self esteem. As you begin to feel ‘worthy’ of the things you are manifesting in your life, the things you are manifesting will begin to look like the life you want and not an imitation of the life someone else does.

5. Worrying about the future – When you spend time worrying about the future, fear is your primary motivator. You make decisions based on what you are afraid of rather than what you desire. This is scarcity and abundance in a nutshell. When you worry, you are not trusting. Trusting that your needs will be met is the beginning of an abundance mindset.

6. Being too critical of your progress – Your progress is just that, Yours. When you criticize your progress, you are judging everywhere you did it wrong, took too long, made the wrong choice. But the biggest thing you are judging is your ability to have the future you desire. You are reinforcing all the reasons why not instead of looking at why. Criticizing your progress actually slows you down more because you are only focused on what you don’t have instead of celebrating what you have accomplished, what you have completed and far you have come.

The scarcity mindset lives deep within all of us. It is rooted in there and it takes diligence to dig it out. These six things are a great place to begin. But they will each also be an ongoing process with you as you grow from scarcity to abundance.

Decluttering is going to be a continual process forever. That’s the bad news. The need to declutter is a sign of growth so….decluttering is going to be a continual process forever. And that is the good news.

As you grow and you stop worrying so much about the future, talking about the cost of things, criticizing your progress and trying to keep up with the Joneses and begin being open to new opportunities, your growth will have you continually decluttering everything. Your mindset. Your body. Your soul. Your home. To make room for abundance.

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