Money is energy, period. To attract more money to you, you need to shift your energy vibration to love. Show your money how much you love it and more money will show up.

The question is, “how do I do that”?

By doing these 5 simple actions you will begin to shift your energy into a more abundant alignment and attract more abundance to you.

1. Clean out your wallet. A messy wallet is a haven for stagnant energy which will repel money rather than invite it in. If you want more cash, do a deep thorough decluttering of your wallet. And then your money will flow in and want to stay.

2. Be aware of where your money goes. When you start to become aware of where you spend your money, it becomes easier to be mindful about your spending habits. When you do this, it becomes easier to see where you can save more money as well. So take a look around at where your money goes; call your service providers and see where you can save on your monthly bills. (The first time I did that, I saved $500 a month on 3 bills alone.) Start to notice your extra expenditures when you’re shopping and ask yourself if they are in alignment with what you are trying to accomplish, or are they just to make you feel better for the moment.

3. Buy yourself a plant. Wood is the element of new beginnings, wealth and gratitude. Plants in the home increase the vibration that draws money energy to you. Make sure to keep them healthy and happy and keep them free of any dead foliage. You don’t want your new plant to be sending dead money vibes to the Universe.

4. Send your request to the universe. Ask directly for what you need. Or want. Trying to pay off $10K in debt? Or maybe you want $10K for that new coach or program you think will change your life. Or a new car. Ok. Then ask for it. Say “What would it take to receive ten thousand dollars?” And say it out loud, to the Universe. Say it 30 times a day, every day and just see what happens. As you ask the universe “What would it take to… & fill in the blank”, you will start to shift to the vibration that aligns with what you are asking for and then it can show up.

5. Be grateful. Gratitude really does raise your vibration to a higher anabolic level and begins to align you with the things you desire. Being in alignment energetically is what creates more things to be grateful for. So start noticing the things in your life that you are grateful for and be active in your gratefulness.

Now that you have started providing a loving home for your money to come live and you are more aware of the flow in and out, you are asking for what you need and being grateful for what you have, the vibes you are sending out will soon be shifting the flow of money coming in. And the best part is, the more you love your money, the more it will love you back.

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