Hi, I'm Krystal.

I am the Founder of Designed Life Studio, and the Creator of the Designed Life Methodâ„  mind, body, soul & home.

I am a feng shui designer and clutter expert and I help soul-driven leaders declutter and design a workspace that empowers them to create the life & business that they want.

My passion is helping women design a life they love.

I grew up in a severely abusive home, and am what is known as a “complex trauma” survivor.

When I was around eight years old my parents divorced, and they both remarried soon after, so I lived between multiple households for different parts of the year, and they were drastically different from one another.

For most of the year, I lived with my mother & step-father and like many abusive parents, mine liked to put a good face on things, so the facade was very important. Because of that, one of the few freedoms I had growing up was the freedom to decorate my bedroom in any way I wanted.

And for a small part of every year I got to live with my father & step-mother where my life was very different. My stepmom was what I call “Woo-Practical” and she taught me about energy, magic, joy, and embracing life in the moment.

As a result of this, as a small child, my outlet was to design space in my room that helped me feel safe and secure during the worst of times in my home.

As a teenager, my friends & I enjoyed decorating our rooms; painting, and personalizing the space around us to express who we were.

The love of decorating space carried all the way through to adulthood when I got my degree in interior design and was “introduced” to feng shui through a homework assignment for my psychology class. That introduction lead me deeply and more formally into the study of energy, feng shui, and how it all works together.

As a survivor of child abuse, I have spent most of my adult years healing my own trauma and in the process, I fell in love with personal development: seminars, retreats, self-help books, you name it and I was in!!

It was in the healing process, and applying everything I knew about energy and feng shui and space to my own life that I really found my calling.

I love being an entrepreneur, and I love helping other women on their journey to becoming entrepreneurs.

I love the personal growth journey and the joy that comes in the healing of the trauma carried since childhood.

I love magic and energy, science and math, feng shui and interior design.

By combining my knowledge from these diverse subjects, I use the mind-body-soul-home connection as a catalyst for healing to happen and to transform lives.

I believe that our homes are a reflection of our mental and emotional states and that by healing our homes we transform our mindset, beliefs, health, wealth, abundance, and love in our lives. I believe we can intentionally create the life we are dreaming about by designing it on purpose into our home.

Which brings me to you.

With 1-on-1 programs, group courses, my blog, and free content, I am here to serve you. Let’s design a home and a life you love because I believe that you deserve to have it right now.

Krystal Holm
My passion is working with women to transform their lives from a daily struggle of feeling like “I am not enough” to living the life she dreams of living.

Krystal is an award-winning interior designer, feng shui master, and entrepreneur.

She uses Feng Shui’s thousands of years of application as the foundation of her business, and her personal experiences to help clients change their perspective of their working environment, themselves, and their business.

Using her proprietary Designed Life Methodâ„  (Mind, Body, Soul, Home), Krystal teaches soul-driven female entrepreneurs the principles of Feng Shui to design a workspace that acts as an energetic amplifier, shifting them to powerfully show up in their business.

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